Don't miss any of the Domaine's news, events and fairs to fully experience the Raspail experience and taste the latest vintages.

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News from the vineyard

Despite the biting frosts of early springtime with temperatures falling as low as -6°C, our vineyard was not damaged and that is something of a...

Riddling and disgorging

Riddling is an ancestral technique which consists in turning the bottles on their racks to coax the yeast deposits into the neck of the bottle, an...

News from the vineyard

News from the vineyard

Despite the biting frosts of early springtime with temperatures falling as low as -6°C, our vineyard was not damaged and that is something of a miracle! Spring then saw periods of heavy rain and cool temperatures that slowed down the growth of the vines. Then, in...

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Domaine RASPAIL Jean-Claude & Fils

780 Route de Die - 26340 Saillans
Drôme - France
Tel : 04 75 21 55 99

Le caveau est ouvert 7 j/ 7 (excepté les week-end de février et les 2 premiers week-end de mars)
- De 9 h à 19 h sans interruption en été (du 14 juillet au 31 août)
- De 9 h à 12 h 00 puis de 14 h à 18 h 30 le reste de l'année
- Fermeture à 18 h en hiver (janvier, février et mars)
- Fermeture annuelle du 5 au 31 Janvier

Aire d'accueil Camping Car

Domaine Raspail

Jean-Claude Raspail

Clairette de Die, Crémant de Die

780 Route de Die - 26340 Saillans

04 75 21 55 99


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